Save My Surplus From

Time Deadlines
Many Surpluses have time deadlines depending on the surplus. Unfortunately government departments aren’t incentivized to notify claimants of monies held with them so claimants usually aren’t even aware. In fact in some ways government departments are incentivized NOT to notify claimants as they make interest on the monies when they are held with them

Junior Lien Holders
Oftentimes there are junior lien holders searching for assets to seize or claim their stake before claimants get to them. For example second mortgages, tax debts, child support and other debts.
Once they claim it--it can’t be undone and your money could be lost forever!

Fraudulent Claims
There are people actively looking to fraudulently claim other people’s funds by falsifying information especially since many times the real claimants aren’t aware of surplus funds in their name held with government departments.
What Our Lawyers Do For You!

Review Final Judgment
The first step is for our lawyers to review the Final Judgment and then to review the foreclosure bid sheet and disbursement form. This will allow our attorneys to determine the amount of funds being held.

Determine Junior Lienholders
The second step will be to determine what other parties or entities will be making a claim for the surplus and to determine what the priority is for each claimant.

Prepare Your Motion
The next step for collecting your funds is to prepare a Motion for Disbursement with the Court. This Motion will request the Court to issue an Order to disburse the surplus funds.

Setting a Hearing
The next step is to set a hearing before the Judge who is assigned to your case. The Judge will Specially Set a Hearing to determine who is entitled to surplus funds.

Court Hearing
The next step is to have your Motion properly filed with the Court and then have the Motion properly served on all parties and/or claimants. This will require the Motion to be properly served either in person or by mail. Proper proof of service must be filed with the Court.

Final Step
The final step is to prepare the appropriate Order and have the Court execute the Order so that the funds can be disbursed.
Let us help you claim your surplus funds
We Always Take Care Of Our Clients Seriously